Friday Night Funkin' HD: Immerse yourself in a totally different art style of the FNF games! Enjoy FNF with a huge change in the visual gaming experience!
Game Information
Featuring brand new language, Friday Night Funkin' HD is a high-resolution version of FNF that breathes fresh life into the first four weeks of the game and gives it some context. However, Kolsan himself created and colored the new assets, making them the most significant addition. The Friday Night Funkin' HD mod incorporates the narrative of several landmarks within the Friday Night Funkin' world rather than retelling the official plot of the main game. Explore the many concepts in sync with five weeks, and experience a reimagining of The Date Week, which depicts the meeting of BoyFriend and GirlFriend set to music. The most recent patch also includes a Vs. Sonic mod, pitting Boy Friend against the renowned blue hedgehog across three brand new tracks.
The FNF HD - Remix Update
This huge upgrade to FNF HD features a complete overhaul of all the music with extremely polished and unobtrusive remixes. We have meticulously crafted each song to offer you a fresh challenge on various rhythms.
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